total | 4.81495E+11 of 500TB |
gg487 | 54480287232 |
sl857 | 38787630720 |
fn64 | 37058905344 |
mg888 | 31543650176 |
wum2 | 27110791936 |
tg397 | 26743508608 |
jz435 | 26112994432 |
jx98 | 23601292544 |
sk972 | 21799062784 |
ll426 | 21060392960 |
pse5 | 20579710464 |
dl598 | 15304579712 |
sl2373 | 15035195648 |
cs784 | 13730144384 |
mr724 | 11768326784 |
sl847 | 8821790592 |
pmm49 | 8225219584 |
jad248 | 7989755008 |
yy222 | 6347266176 |
rrk24 | 6182451584 |
yf9 | 5816445952 |
hm444 | 5719131264 |
mihali | 5456919552 |
lc848 | 4090249984 |
meg98 | 3988967680 |
ah633 | 3367398912 |
bp272 | 2906803456 |
xk4 | 2368511488 |
rdb9 | 1763952640 |
msp48 | 1748680320 |
jjl86 | 1721692416 |
as2665 | 1596345472 |
ky26 | 1583088768 |
ml724 | 1557992448 |
jw2394 | 1493463424 |
jl56 | 1480538368 |
ha275 | 1467031936 |
sb238 | 1275168128 |
gf3 | 1189340928 |
jrb97 | 1012897664 |
cy288 | 873322368 |
slw67 | 714219904 |
lh372 | 671649152 |
pdm32 | 611042816 |
jsr59 | 592016256 |
as898 | 506352512 |
dc547 | 415868160 |
mpw6 | 385383040 |
hz244 | 374372096 |
km735 | 337744640 |
nb23 | 324053504 |
ls926 | 314810880 |
keckadmins | 265108480 |
aa544 | 249558400 |
xl348 | 237334528 |
simen | 163574272 |
xz374 | 162198144 |
yz464 | 160915584 |
lr579 | 159751424 |
yf95 | 150761344 |
nmb38 | 115795456 |
jjl83 | 109213440 |
mas343 | 96425216 |
yk336 | 95688832 |
williams | 95688832 |
xc279 | 85381888 |
zl222 | 68034176 |
wb244 | 63682432 |
rka24 | 59127808 |
yy448 | 46536704 |
aa65 | 44632832 |
gene760 | 33406080 |
zhao | 25241600 |
amg89 | 21919360 |
co254 | 21889920 |
an377 | 19965312 |
xm24 | 19335680 |
jc2296 | 17970560 |
jw72 | 17455616 |
njc2 | 16694016 |
mx55 | 11160960 |
root | 9156608 |
jk935 | 6167936 |
cc59 | 4636672 |
shuch | 1868288 |
gene760_2016 | 475520 |
bab99 | 387584 |
tl444 | 326144 |
dr395 | 185472 |
mj332 | 60160 |
rm658 | 4096 |
jjp76 | 3968 |
lc664 | 3200 |
farnam disk usage
total | 4.76642E+11 of 500 TB |
gg487 | 54472481024 |
sl857 | 38767772032 |
fn64 | 37031511168 |
mg888 | 31395988096 |
wum2 | 27110791936 |
tg397 | 26743508608 |
jz435 | 26111189760 |
sk972 | 21784117632 |
ll426 | 21060392960 |
pse5 | 20579710464 |
jx98 | 18570385792 |
dl598 | 15304159744 |
sl2373 | 15017202048 |
cs784 | 13730144384 |
mr724 | 11767633280 |
sl847 | 8821790592 |
pmm49 | 8225219584 |
jad248 | 7989755008 |
yy222 | 6347266176 |
rrk24 | 6182451584 |
yf9 | 5816445952 |
hm444 | 5719131264 |
mihali | 5456919552 |
lc848 | 4090249984 |
meg98 | 3988956544 |
ah633 | 3367398912 |
bp272 | 2906803456 |
xk4 | 2368511232 |
rdb9 | 1763952640 |
msp48 | 1748680320 |
jjl86 | 1689494016 |
as2665 | 1596345472 |
ky26 | 1583088768 |
ml724 | 1557992448 |
jw2394 | 1493463424 |
jl56 | 1480538368 |
ha275 | 1467031936 |
sb238 | 1275168128 |
gf3 | 1189340928 |
jrb97 | 1012897664 |
cy288 | 873322368 |
slw67 | 714219904 |
lh372 | 671649152 |
pdm32 | 611042816 |
yz464 | 609522560 |
jsr59 | 592016256 |
as898 | 506352512 |
dc547 | 415868160 |
mpw6 | 385383040 |
hz244 | 374372096 |
km735 | 337744640 |
nb23 | 324053504 |
ls926 | 314810880 |
keckadmins | 265108480 |
aa544 | 249558400 |
xl348 | 237334528 |
simen | 163574272 |
xz374 | 162198144 |
lr579 | 159751424 |
yf95 | 150761344 |
nmb38 | 115795456 |
jjl83 | 109213440 |
mas343 | 96425216 |
yk336 | 95688832 |
williams | 95688832 |
xc279 | 85072256 |
zl222 | 68034176 |
wb244 | 63682432 |
rka24 | 59127808 |
yy448 | 46536704 |
aa65 | 44632832 |
gene760 | 33406080 |
zhao | 25241600 |
amg89 | 21919360 |
co254 | 21889920 |
an377 | 19965312 |
xm24 | 19335680 |
jc2296 | 17970560 |
jw72 | 17455616 |
njc2 | 16694016 |
mx55 | 11160960 |
root | 9156608 |
jk935 | 6167936 |
cc59 | 4636672 |
shuch | 1868288 |
gene760_2016 | 475520 |
bab99 | 387584 |
tl444 | 326144 |
dr395 | 185472 |
mj332 | 60160 |
rm658 | 4096 |
jjp76 | 3968 |
lc664 | 3200 |
Great #movie introducing Evo-Devo by @AcapellaScience Lots of complex concepts (cis-reg elements to gradients & patterning) summarized in seconds via @hoondy
Gradstudentsinmbb FW: 2018 Carl Zimmer Science Writing Workshop
[tagsĀ seminars]
New amazon instance to exchange data with extramural
Use ssh+yale_id+public key to access the exchange’s terminal, if you need access to exchange and can’t login contact FN or Mihali
The instance currently mounts a 1Tb drive at:
More space can be added if necessary, if so, the user should communicate when the hard drive is not being used anymore so we can dissociate the HD from the instance. is also available to share data using http.
Thoughts on Posting for Articles & Jclubs
Repost, using ((( for left angle brace
and ))) for right angle brace
Also, use send an email to post AT gersteinlab DOT org
(need to send to post, in addition to all).
Use plain text formatting – including for the URLs.
with the following tags & subjects for relevant jclub & article posts
1) Journal clubs
subject: Journal Club by MG on “Methylation from Environmental Toxins Causes DNA Knots & Protein Coils,” Nurture
((( tags scilit,jclub,MG,fromjclub )))
2) general article & news posts
((( tags scilit ))) for scientific literature
((( tags scinews ))) for scientific news
Journal club by SK on “Genomic Patterns of De Novo Mutation in Simplex Autism”, Cell
Thoughts on Posting for Articles & Jclubs
Also, use send an email to post AT gersteinlab DOT org
(need to send to post, in addition to all).
Use plain text formatting – including for the URLs.
with the following tags & subjects for relevant jclub & article posts
1) Journal clubs
subject: Journal Club by MG on “Methylation from Environmental Toxins Causes DNA Knots & Protein Coils,” Nurture
2) general article & news posts
for scientific literature
for scientific news
farnam disk usage
gerstein | 4.69362E+11 of 500TB |
gg487 | 54436648448 |
sl857 | 38717182720 |
fn64 | 36996237440 |
mg888 | 30192313728 |
wum2 | 27110392704 |
tg397 | 26743508992 |
jz435 | 26110460672 |
sk972 | 21625994240 |
ll426 | 21035222656 |
pse5 | 20579671296 |
sl2373 | 15016936960 |
dl598 | 14214804736 |
jx98 | 13875202048 |
cs784 | 13777779584 |
mr724 | 11767632896 |
sl847 | 8821790592 |
pmm49 | 8214336128 |
jad248 | 7989755008 |
yy222 | 6347266176 |
rrk24 | 6182451584 |
yf9 | 5816445952 |
hm444 | 5714904064 |
mihali | 5456919552 |
lc848 | 4090249984 |
meg98 | 3988957056 |
ah633 | 3367398912 |
bp272 | 2906803456 |
xk4 | 2368381696 |
rdb9 | 1763952640 |
msp48 | 1748680320 |
jjl86 | 1675270400 |
as2665 | 1596345472 |
ky26 | 1583088768 |
ml724 | 1557992448 |
jw2394 | 1487154176 |
jl56 | 1480538368 |
ha275 | 1467031936 |
sb238 | 1275168128 |
gf3 | 1189340928 |
jrb97 | 1012897664 |
cy288 | 875502208 |
slw67 | 714219904 |
lh372 | 671649152 |
yz464 | 609522560 |
pdm32 | 607593984 |
jsr59 | 592016256 |
as898 | 506352512 |
dc547 | 415865984 |
mpw6 | 385383040 |
hz244 | 374372096 |
km735 | 337744512 |
nb23 | 324053504 |
ls926 | 314810880 |
keckadmins | 265108480 |
aa544 | 249558400 |
xl348 | 237334528 |
simen | 163574272 |
xz374 | 162198144 |
lr579 | 159751424 |
yf95 | 150761216 |
nmb38 | 115795456 |
jjl83 | 109213440 |
mas343 | 96425216 |
yk336 | 95688832 |
williams | 95688832 |
xc279 | 86538752 |
zl222 | 68034176 |
wb244 | 63673216 |
rka24 | 59127808 |
yy448 | 46536704 |
aa65 | 44632832 |
gene760 | 33406080 |
zhao | 25241600 |
amg89 | 21919360 |
co254 | 21889920 |
an377 | 19965312 |
xm24 | 19335680 |
jc2296 | 17970560 |
jw72 | 17455616 |
njc2 | 16694016 |
mx55 | 11160960 |
root | 9156608 |
jk935 | 6167936 |
cc59 | 4636672 |
lc664 | 722944 |
gene760_2016 | 475520 |
bab99 | 387584 |
shuch | 350976 |
tl444 | 326144 |
dr395 | 185472 |
mj332 | 60160 |
rm658 | 4096 |
jjp76 | 3968 |