Tag Archives: scilit

Updated invitation: jclub, MTG =NEXT-in-list TIME:exact,Bass434 – jc00 (nor… @ Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:30am – 1pm (EDT) (all)

Dear all,

I’ll present "Multi-scale deep tensor factorization learns a latent representation of the human epigenome" for tomorrow’s journal club.

This paper from Noble’s lab presents a method to impute human epigenome, and demonstrated its usage in broad context.

This work was preceded by their previous work known as PREDICTD, which I will also discuss briefly tomorrow.

You can find the bioRxiv preprint here.



JClub by BW on “3D clusters of somatic mutations in cancer reveal numerous rare mutations as functional targets”, Genome Medicine

3D clusters of somatic mutations…reveal numerous rare mutations as functional targets
https://GenomeMedicine.BiomedCentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13073-016-0393-x Introduces 3DHotSpots, which is one of a number of recent approaches (incl. CLUMPS, Hotspot3D, Mutation3D & HotMAPS) for finding groupings of somatic SNVs via structure