10 Places With Spectacular Views Of This Summer’s Total Solar Eclipse

How far are you from…spots to watch the #Eclipse?
https://www.buzzfeed.com/zahrahirji/spectacular-views-of-the-eclipse Does anyone know what we’ll see in CT on 8/21? A partial one?

“The zone of totality is about 70 miles wide and stretches diagonally across the middle of the country from Oregon to South Carolina. Hundreds of towns and cities in 12 states fall fully within the zone. And the closer you are to the zone’s center, the longer the full eclipse will last. While the maximum possible duration of the full eclipse is about 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the partial eclipse will last upward of two hours in most places nationwide.”

List of collaboration tools

Thought the below was an interesting snippet from a dialogue I had….


Collaboration tools: Even a small group…will quickly get unwieldy if we coordinate using long CC-chains on email threads.

I think the minimum requirements are central management, email lists, and document sharing.

Options that come to mind are:
– Google G-suite, Drive, and Groups (free for nonprofits, robust features, integrate with existing login…)
– Slack plus Dropbox (more suited for teams who are actively collaborating, but it could be a great framework)
– Yammer (looks great, but I’ve never really used it)
– Office365 (it’s heavyweight and costs money, but it’ll give us all the features we could ever imagine)
– Basecamp (I haven’t used it in years, and it’s more about project management than collaboration)


Journal Club Paper

Zhou, J. and Troyanskaya, O.G. (2015). Predicting effects of noncoding variants with deep learning–based sequence model. Nature Methods, 12, 931–934.

Predicting (& prioritizing) effects of noncoding variants w. [DeepSEA] #DeepLearning…model
https://www.Nature.com/nmeth/journal/v12/n10/full/nmeth.3547.html Trained w #ENCODE data