Statseminars Stat & Data Science Seminar, Speaker Carl Zimmer 4/27 @ 11am-1pm

Title: The Library of Babel: On Trying to Read My Genome

Information and Abstract:

Applied Data Science Seminar. Not long ago, information about our DNA was virtually impossible to gain. Now, thanks to the falling cost of DNA sequencing and the growing power of bioinformatics, genetic information is undergoing a Gutenberg-scale explosion of popularity. Millions of people are paying for DNA tests from companies like 23andMe and, and they are getting unprecedented amounts of information about their ancestry and hereditary diseases. For my latest book, “She Has Her Mother’s Laugh,” I got my genome sequenced and enlisted scientists at Yale and elsewhere to help me interpret it. In my talk, I’ll discuss the results of that exploration–at once enlightening and baffling

For more details and upcoming events visit our website at .

YINS Tomorrow – 4/18 Sanjeev Arora, Toward theoretical understanding of deep learning

“Toward theoretical understanding of deep learning”

Speaker: Professor Sanjeev Arora

Princeton University & Institute for Advanced Study

Tomorrow – Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 12:00-1:00pm

Location: Yale Institute for Network Science, 17 Hillhouse Avenue, 3rd floor

Abstract: This talk will be a survey of ongoing efforts and recent results to develop better theoretical understanding of deep learning, from expressiveness to optimization to generalization theory. We will see the (limited) success that has been achieved and the open questions it leads to. (My expository articles appear at (link is external))

Bio: Sanjeev Arora is Charles C. Fitzmorris Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University and Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is an expert in theoretical computer science, especially theoretical ML. He has received the Packard Fellowship (1997), Simons Investigator Award (2012), Goedel Prize (2001 and 2010), ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences (now called the ACM prize) (2012), and the Fulkerson Prize in Discrete Math (2012).


4/25/18: Adam Auton (23andme)

5/2/18: Andre Levchenko

Bass 434 Zoom meetings with iPad annotation

Hi all,

Here are the instructions for setting up the iPad in Bass 434 to interface with the main screen, and to allow annotation during a Zoom meeting:

1) On both the iPad and the Mac mini, go to (the iPad has the Zoom app installed as well)

2) Click on "Join a Meeting"

3) In the box for "Join with Personal Link Name" enter (for both devices): lori.bass.434

4) Share the Mac mini screen with the meeting participants

5) On the iPad, click on the "Annotate" tool.

6) Scribble and annotate to thine heart’s content.

Note that the login times out after 24 hours, a relevant fact for those 25 hour meetings in our future.

Best wishes,


farnam disk usage

total 5.67534E+11 of 600TB
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jjp76 3968

Farnam disk usage

gerstein 5.59995E+11 of 600TB
gg487 72097902080
sl857 46536808960
jx98 42157560192
fn64 37383062784
tg397 36354959232
cy288 35153367680
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jz435 28900470144
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pse5 20415937280
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cs784 14082331264
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sb238 1275168128
gf3 1189340928
jrb97 1012897664
slw67 826952192
zc264 802075392
pdm32 789250432
lh372 671649152
dc547 648720384
mx55 635310720
jsr59 592016256
xc279 554618880
as898 506352512
xs252 499962624
gunel 499962624
mpw6 385383040
hz244 374372096
km735 337744640
nb23 324053504
ls926 314810880
keckadmins 265108480
aa544 249558400
xl348 237337088
yf95 197553536
simen 163574272
xz374 162198144
lr579 159751424
nmb38 115795456
jjl83 109213440
mas343 96425216
yk336 95688832
williams 95688832
zl222 68034176
wb244 63682432
rka24 59127808
yy448 46536704
aa65 44632832
law72 43699072
shuch 39508992
gene760 33406080
zhao 25241600
ajf73 22082688
amg89 21919360
co254 21889920
an377 19965312
xm24 19335680
jc2296 17970560
jw72 17455616
jhq4 17082240
njc2 16694016
root 9156608
jk935 6167936
cc59 4636672
yz464 1122176
gene760_2016 475520
bab99 387584
dw396 383872
tl444 326144
dr395 185472
mj332 60160
rm658 4096
jjp76 3968

Need to make a molecule? Ask this AI for instructions

Need to make a molecule? Ask this AI for instructions #DeepLearning to do better #retrosynthesis. Perhaps other things in chemistry could be learned as well!

“The tool, described in Nature on 28 March1, is not the first software to wield artificial intelligence (AI) instead of human skill and intuition. Yet chemists hail the development as a milestone, saying that it could speed up the process of drug discovery and make organic chemistry more efficient.

“What we have seen here is that this kind of artificial intelligence can capture this expert knowledge,” says Pablo Carbonell, who designs synthesis-predicting tools at the University of Manchester, UK, and was not involved in the work. He describes the effort as “a landmark paper”.”

Math-applied APPLIED MATH PROGRAM: Seminar & Refreshments Thursday, April 10, 2018


Speaker Mauro Maggioni, John Hopkins University

Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Time: 3:45p.m. Refreshments (AKW, 1st Floor Break Area)

4:00p.m. Seminar (LOM 206)

Title: “Learning and Geometry for Stochastic Dynamical Systems in high dimensions”


We discuss geometry-based statistical learning techniques for performing model reduction and modeling of certain classes of stochastic high-dimensional dynamical systems. We consider two complementary settings. In the first one, we are given long
trajectories of a system, e.g. from molecular dynamics, and we estimate, in a robust fashion, an effective number of degrees of freedom of the system, which may vary in the state space of then system, and a local scale where the dynamics is well-approximated by a reduced dynamics with a small number of degrees of freedom. We then use these ideas to produce an approximation to the generator of the system and obtain, via eigenfunctions of an empirical Fokker-Planck equation (constructed from data), reaction coordinates for the system that capture the large time behavior of the dynamics. We present various examples from molecular dynamics illustrating these ideas.

In the second setting we only have access to a (large number of expensive) simulators that can return short paths of the stochastic system, and introduce a statistical learning framework for estimating local approximations to the system, that can be (automatically) pieced together to form a fast global reduced model for the system, called ATLAS. ATLAS is guaranteed to be accurate (in the sense of producing stochastic paths whose distribution is close to that of paths generated by the original system) not only at small time scales, but also at large time scales, under suitable assumptions on the dynamics. We discuss applications to homogenization of rough diffusions in low and high dimensions, as well as relatively simple systems with separations of time scales, and deterministic chaotic systems in high-dimensions, that are well-approximated by stochastic
diffusion-like equations.
Mauro Maggioni 4-10 flyer.pdf