Mbbfacultyall Fwd: Cell Biology Seminar: Yifan Cheng on Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My first glance was "Chengfei Yan" for "Yifan Cheng" and was quite surprised…
They look alike in some way 🙂

On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Mark Gerstein <mark> wrote:

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 for a Cell
Biology Seminar.

Yifan Cheng, Professor/HHMI Investigator, HHMI/University of
California – San Francisco, CA will be the guest speaker.

Seminar Title: "Single particle cryo-EM of membrane protein in lipid
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Place: TAC N107
Hosted by: Yongli Zhang

Flyer is attached for your review.

Mbbfacultyall Fwd: Cell Biology Seminar: Yifan Cheng on Tuesday, October 10, 2017

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 for a Cell Biology Seminar.

Yifan Cheng, Professor/HHMI Investigator, HHMI/University of California – San Francisco, CA will be the guest speaker.

Seminar Title: “Single particle cryo-EM of membrane protein in lipid environment”
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Place: TAC N107
Hosted by: Yongli Zhang

Flyer is attached for your review.
Cheng flyer.pdf

Some thoughts on useful lab tagging

* public linkstream


* private wordpress


aspirational examples from meetings for minutes


* aspirational example of dropbox usage for meetings

94GTF1-Ectasy-mb17mar-1Tb-MDMA:GersteinLab-meetings-sync mbg$ pwd /Users/mbg/Dropbox/GersteinLab-meetings-sync
94GTF1-Ectasy-mb17mar-1Tb-MDMA:GersteinLab-meetings-sync mbg$ find . ./encodec

farnam diskusage quota report

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Yale Systems Biology Institute, Junior Researcher Seminar Series – Sept 18, Noon

Forwarded on behalf of the Yale Systems Biology Institute

Good afternoon all,

You are invited to attend our third seminar in the Yale Systems Biology Institute, Junior Researcher Seminar Series.

Would you please share with your students, faculty, and departments/institutes.

12:00 pm

Monday, Sept 18th, 2017

Yale West Campus Conference Center – Room 218

Lunch will be served

Title: The Stag Hunt Game in Cancer: How Cancer Cells Cooperate To Offset Hypoxic Induced Cell Cycle Arrest

Kshitiz, Levchenko Lab

Title: Design and Construction of a Recoded Organism Containing 62 Codons

Daniel Moonan, Isaacs lab.
18SEPT2017 SBI Seminar Series Kshitiz Moonan.pdf

Mbbfacultyall FW: The 5th Biophysics and Structural Biology Symposium on Oct 18th, 2017



Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Biophysics and Structural Biology Symposium will be returning for its 5th iteration next month on Wednesday, October 18th at the Yale West Campus Conference Center. We have a very exciting group of speakers lined up this year and hope you can attend! Please view the event schedule (also attached) and register to attend at this link.

Additionally, new to this year, we are excited to feature talk slots for student speakers. These talks will be 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions. Students interested in presenting are encouraged to submit an abstract here. The deadline for abstract submission is September 20th. Thank you and we are excited to have you all at the symposium!


The BPSB 2017 organizing committee

Cary Liptak

Chad Torgerson

Biophysics symposium flyer-final.pdf